Wiregrass Construction is proud to be recognized for its commitment to providing quality construction projects throughout Alabama. We were honored with multiple 2022 Quality in Construction Awards at the 2023 NAPA Annual Meeting held in Miami, Florida.
- US 331 and Bike Lanes at Oak Mountain State Park
- Patton Chapel Road
- 1-85 Macon County
- US 231 Montgomery
- 1-59 Dekalb County
- I-565 Huntsville
- Highway 125 Elba
Our commitment to superior infrastructure has earned us recognition for excellence in the construction industry. Our projects exceed industry standards, reflecting our unwavering dedication to quality, reliability, and safety. We understand that dependable infrastructure is the backbone of our communities, connecting individuals, families, and businesses to essential services and opportunities. Whether building bike lines, interstates, or the many roads that span between them, we take our responsibility to seriously construct sturdy and long-lasting infrastructure.